Broadcast Digital Service

The Broadcast Digital Service has been offering graphics services for more than 15 years for the major national television broadcasters, for private marketing companies and advertising multinationals.

For our services we only use cutting-edge products that can guarantee a maximum level of stability and performance regarding the graphic creation of television broadcasting and 3D graphics.

aCrm Net

Once you select your solution, aCrm net platform guarantees the optimal price with a digital statement of work.

What we do every day is to transform our ideas into efficient projects, To study new design approaches, To stimulate our customers towards innovative solutions.


The founding project of the Department of Literature and Philosophy has its raison d’être in the principle of cultural and methodological complementarity between scientific-disciplinary sectors organised in the philological-literary, linguistic, philosophical, historical and artistic-historical macro-areas, from antiquity to the contemporary age.
The design effort of convergence, integration, methodological comparison between the different fields of study and research – disciplines of antiquity (philology, history, literature, archeology), medieval, modern and contemporary history, Italian history, modern European literature and languages, history of art and music, philosophical and communication disciplines – represents the shared framework and the organisational structure of reference.
The orientations, directions, objectives, strategies, lines of action and the internal organisation of the Department descend from this nucleus of ideas, in the implementation of a project oriented (both on the research side, as well as that of teaching and training ) the re-elaboration of previous experiences and the identification of innovative paths, also with the contribution of the most advanced technologies in the design, management, publication and dissemination – also and above all, of teaching – the results and products of the research. Contiguity and coincidence of the fields of investigation, methodological interactions and convergences, dialectical comparison between the different codes of reading applied to the investigated phenomena constitute the Department’s strong point.

Hubstract – Made For Art

Hubstract – Made for Art is an innovative start-up that deals with the valorisation and promotion of Cultural Heritage.
It designs and creates immersive installations, interactive multimedia products, videos, 3D reconstructions, augmented reality, virtual reality, graphic panels, web campaigns and live performances.
Hubstract-designed products have a strong storytelling component to engage the visitor/user as much as possible. They are stories made with digital and traditional media, the languages are those of theatrical and filmic dramaturgy, of text and graphics.
Hubstract-made for art! transforming every synergic experience of heritage or a cultural activity into a unique moment on an emotional, sensorial and experiential level.

hustract viterbo